How To Charge a 'AAA' or 'AA' Battery With Your Laptop Charger In Emergency?

Well, we have got a lot of implications of those 'AAA' or 'AA' batteries in our day to day life on lot of household items which demands a very little amount of charge to run for a long period of time. The best examples are in the wall clock and our TV remote controls. Other we all know our AC remote controls, the music system's remote, the gas stove lighter, the electronic razor, the door bell etc etc.

But, as these electronics demands less electricity, especially remote controls and the wall clock, we often forget to maintain the replacement order and as a result of which we end up with frustration when they fail at the time of need. You might remember as you scroll down the article, the day when you are in hurry to the workplace or your daily routine and find it out looking at the wall, the clock is dead. You come home exhausted in the evening and you remember, again you forgot to buy a pair of 'AAA' batteries.

Similarly the incident when you seat down in front of your television or the AC and you figure it out that the remote is dead. 

In this article you'll learn how you can fix that temporarily with a little effort using only your Laptop charger until you get a new pair of batteries. And who knows you may find it interesting fixing it by yourself.

You will require to follow these two steps only-


1. Take the DC plug of the Laptop charger which you connect to the Laptop and connect a flexible wire to it (+) and (-) as shown below in the video.

2. Connect the other end of the wire to the 'AAA' or 'AA' battery (+) and (-) correctly and hold it until it heats up enough.

3. That's it, plug the battery to your wall clock or remote, you are good to go for another couple of days until you get a new one.

Courtesy: YouTube Channel: Interesting Stuff
                 Watch on YouTube:

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